Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pretty Nice Hair Cut

Having the guts to cut ones' hair drastically is a characteristic I greatly commend. Oh my god I don't think my mind can switch back and forth between english class and real life anymore, but I guess they're basically the same, so whatever. You don't care, I don't care, cut your hair.

I currently have an "un-haircut" kind of like I cut it myself- it's easier since I have super straight hair so I just usually go for a blunt cut. Sometimes I go to the bathroom and take jabs at the ends in attempts to create a nice shag effect...I'm still in the learning process. It'd be super sweet to one day go as short as above but maybe not yet.

I can imagine this eventually. Like when I don't need a teenage security blanket in the form of long hair HAH.

Or, more realistically, this, except sans bangs...tried them out in grades 7 through 9 until I realized my forehead isn't big enough to accommodate blunt bangs. We'll just have to wait and see where my next great hair cut adventure takes me next I guess. Hopefully I won't end up having to go to a salon wherein the hairdresser might use his/her magical skills to turn me into a gorilla (see Pavement- Cut Your Hair).*

* Although I would love the ability to sneeze cats..

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