Wednesday, April 25, 2012

high school timeline\\ Hole "Asking For It"

The Bluesfest lineup was released yesterday which reminded me of when I saw Hole a couple years ago at the same festival. The memory of seeing Hole then reminded me of high school which gave me an idea for a little personal project. I've been thinking lately about how different I am, and how everyone else is, than we were as teenagers. Now that h.s. seems far enough away, I can reflect on what exactly happened in those 4 years that seem so blurry now.

So my idea is to make a timeline of my High School Career from gr. 9 to 12 with noted landmarks; points in time where ways of thinking shifted. It's insane how much people can change in this time, not just physically, but a personality evolution. Making a timeline could be really theraputic and could uncover forgotten thoughts or feelings towards events in memories. So far, I've put down events I remember like new friends, discovering of new music, trips with family etc. and then my feelings I remember having at those times. It's weird thinking about my own feelings from the past that seem like they're from the mind of someone else.

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