Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween\\Carrie White

Who out there has an overwhelming urge to press stop while watching Carrie when she's on the stage, smiling, loving life with prom king Tommy Ross by her side? We all know what's going to happen, that happened over 20 years ago, even longer ago when the story was 1st concieved in Stephen King's twisted mind, (also a mind that thinks Carrie was a better movie than the Shining..delusional.), BUT we all keep wanting to believe that it won't happen. It's like in the Virgin Suicides: both in reading the book and watching the movie, you always want to believe things will end differently..exactly the thought process of that group of boys in the story.

Anyhow. Despite being utterly disappointed every time watching this movie, I still can't bring myself to actually press stop on the remote, forcing myself to watch in horror as Carrie White, prom queen, turns into satan reincarnated. Those eyyyyes. God. But the scariest part of Carrie is the overwhelming sense of frustration I feel as I watch something I know will happen, happen, and there's absolutely nothing I can do. For those of you about to watch this, (it's a classic piece of pop-culture, dooo it) Carrie gets slimed, hate to break it to you.

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