Movies that have a longer timeline usually have a cluster of holiday season scenes in them (see Mean Girls) which make me then categorize them as being forever Christmas movies. Kids movies also fall into the vast 'holiday movie' category, just because they feel cozy and nostalgic...when you watch movies you watched as a kid, you feel like a kid. Precious holiday vacation time well spent!

Anastasia (1998): The sparkly animation quality of this movie makes me feel festive. The art design of the Romanov palace is awesome. Rasputin, the evil zombie villain, definitely puts a damper on holiday cheer in Anastasia, but don't worry! It is a kids' movie, so it has a happy ending.

Mean Girls (2004): the scenes from Mean Girls that always come to mind first are the Christmas scenes, like the Glenn Coco candy gram scene and the Jingle Bell Rock scene.
Little Women (1994) has this rustic New England Christmas-y feeling that transcends to the whole movie, not just the Christmas scenes. Anyhow, watch this movie and see Christian Bale look super young and fresh-faced...and not even crazy at all!
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