The weather outside is frightful. So stay inside. Even if you don't have a delightful fire, try these methods of distraction from possible snowfalls to come..

√ Scalding hot beverages- coffee or tea accepted.
√ Free tv on the innernet. Shows like Workaholics and 30 Rock make me laugh out loud, even when I'm watching alone...good signs
√ A good read to build back the brain cells lost on watching too much television. Tom Robbins will get you excited about philosophy and will make you want to write down (not tweet) every other sentence in Still Life With Woodpecker. When asking for this book at either the library or your local bookstore, please do not confuse Tom Robbins with Tim Robbins; the main actor in the Shawshank Redemption. But even if you did get confused, I'd never judge, as I can't seem to keep Leonardos DaVinci and DiCaprio straight when referring to either or..anyhow life's confusing, moving on.
√ heavy duty moisturizer like NIVEA.
√ Warm parka with a furry hood preferably. That's how you guage whether or not it'll be warm enough, trust me. I'm not necessarilly suggesting you wear a parka while reading or watching television, but I do entertain the idea that reaching body temperatures high enough to pretend you're in a hot tub could be a nice time.
√ Knitted things like bulky socks, thug-life toques, and gloves (Thinsulate fingerless gloves are CLASSIC- both hipsters AND hobos can agree on this one).
√ Last and not least, to fully achieve your HIBERNATION look, you definitely need a SWISS ARMY KNIFE. You never know when you'll need one of these bad boys- just look at James Franco in 127 Hours. But that's worst case about when you need to play bass but your nails are just too long..or someone needs a bottle opened while you're walking down the street? Helloooo? You can be a hero. Just know that with great power comes great responsability- Jamesy should have thought about that before turning to the dark side to avenge his father's death in Spiderman 2. Keep that in mind.