This week's VOTW is Saturday by Fall Out Boy (and Patrick Stump...). This is an awesome video because it's pretty much the only time (caught on film) that he's not wearing a hat (NO HE'S NOT BALDING!). I showed this video to my mom a few weekends ago and after she said she had no clue what the video was about. When you watch it, just don't try to understand the plot, listen to the music. Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Video of The Week
Friday, November 16, 2007
Video of the Week
This week, since the 'separated at birth' article is about Beck, I've decided to post my favorite video by him! Girl is an awesome song, and the video really suits the 'upbeat vibe'. The effect they put into this video is really radical and messes with your brain. I'm not quite sure how the video ties in with the song, but oh well, maybe there isn't anything to be understood. Beck's great and he's been around for a long time (remember 'loser'?). He's definitely in my top five favorite singers. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Separated at Birth?
On top we have Beck, and below him we have Scott Walker. Scott Walker's old enough to be Beck's dad, but don't they look like twins? Crazy...
November 15th
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Book Alert

Whoso sheddeth man's blood,
by man shall his blood be shed
- Genesis 9:6
Ahh, my 1st book review. In honor of 'belated Halloween', I've decided to inform you all about a truly fantabulous novel. I just finished reading this on one of my fam's road trips last weekend and I could not put it down (yeah everyone needs a good cliché every once and a while). I picked this one up at my local library in the 'Halloween picks' section. I had already read the 'twilight' series by Stephanie Meyer (which is also about vampires) and loved it and this one looked a bit similar, so I decided to try it out.
Chris is in his freshman year at highschool (like me) and already kinda feels like an outsider, but things get even worse when he starts to turn into a vampire. The first signs come when he can't sleep at night, he's always so hungry and always feels empty, and eventually he can't see his reflection in the mirror. His parents begin to think he's a drug addict while his friends just think he's a whack job. Chris has no idea what to do so he just denies it, tries to hide it, and does whatever he can to curb his ever growing blood lust without actually killing a human being. It becomes more and more difficult for him to hold himself back when he starts hearing the pulses of his sleeping family at night while lying in bed. His parent grow even more suspicious when his braces are reduced to a metal mass when his fangs 'slide out' (he tells his orthodontist that he was in a terrible skateboarding accident). With nowhere to turn, Chris puts his fate into the hands of a mysterious celestial being named Chet, who claims if he does him a little favor, he'd cure him of his vampirism. Who can Chris trust? He can only hide for so long...
The concept is just soooo creepy and Anderson's descriptions sent shivers down my spine. I could really understand Chris, no not in the sense of morphing into a vampire, but just feeling really alone and having absolutely no one to help him. I mean, in his town, vampires are put to death if they're found out (yes in this book people know for a fact that vampires exist). This book had a bit of humor but certainly not humor intended to lighten the mood. What's awesome is that Anderson left the end open so there's a possibility of a sequel. There were some parts where I just couldn't even bear to keep reading because it was so painful, and some where I was like "OH MY GOD CHRIS DON'T!!!" but man, it was such a good book.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy (Belated) Halloween
Happy Belated Halloween! How was your Halloween? Did you go trick-or-treating? Give out candy? Scare small children? I actually went out this year, is 14 too old? Hope not. You'll never guess what I went as. It's so freak-tastically brilliant, you'll be all "whoah, why didn't I think of that?!". Anywho, hope y'allz had fun! In honor of this awesome holiday being over, I've posted a new vid! This week it's Echo and the Bunnymen with "Killing Moon". You've probably never heard of this band if you were born in the last 15 years (y'know like, i dunno, the 90's *hinthint*), but that just makes it all the more cool. This video's pretty sweet (a bit long, but certainly not a waste of time), I don't really understand the video, it just has a creepy mood that goes along with the melancholy song. Recognize the song? It's from Donnie Darko: aka the bestest halloween movie in like, the history of the world) along with many many more 80's (not 90's *hinthint*)hits. :D
PS- If you havn't guessed what I was for Halloween, I was 90's, more specifically, 90's grunge. I'll post pics later on. To tell you the truth, nobody knew what I was, they were just like "Why didn't you dress up?" Great huh?
Enjoy, and happy candy-gorging!