Friday, November 30, 2012

Girl in a Fur Coat// Lucian Freud

Girl in a Fur Coat, Lucian Freud, 1967

I bet that this painting was an inspiration for Marc Jacobs' Fall 2010 collection; the fur collar, mussed hair, the color palette...look.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Allison Schulnik "Mound" + Scott Walker

Allison Schulnik's "Mound" video was shown during illustration class today. Right when it started I recognized the musical accompaniment to be Scott Walker. It's Raining Todaywas a song that I'd hear at home all the time as a kid. The song reminds me of the blue hour, cold nights before the new year, walking's a song that would make me feel scared and spooked out. I also seem to associate the mood of this song to Christmastime. 

It made me very excited that Allison Schulnik chose this song to make a video for. Her clay figures that are constantly morphing; growing collections of little holes and smears of rainbows, make for the perfect visual to the haunting sound of It's Raining Today.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Arnaud Maggs//photographer

Arnaud Magg's way of observing the world is very interesting. I saw some of his portaits and journals at the National Art Gallery this past summer when I went there to go see the Van Gogh exhbition, but to be honest, I was much more excited about seeing Magg's work. 

Pages from "Werner's Nomenclature of Colours" were displayed along with his works. The pages show records of environments that corresponded with a color swatch. Details of what it was and where he found it were also written down.

In Arnaud Maggs' photography series, the subjects are shot head on, then with their head turned to the side. What I found very interesting was how different a perspective you get of someone's face when you observe it at different angle. The change in facial features from one shot to the next made the same person look like two different people. It also helped that this was the first time I'd ever seen the faces of the brings up the idea of how a 2D image cannot fully represent the character of someone's flattens it. In visual art, the idea of single-perspective observation is interesting, especially when doing a self-portrait. Evan Penny's (at the AGO now!) distored sculptures show exactly how single perspective observation while working with a 3D medium can really flatten the face; creating shallow depth.

Arnaud Maggs passed away this week, which is what made me want to write a bit of a comemmoration.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Curtis Mayfield// Makings of You

Add a little sugar, honeysuckle and a great big expression of happiness...with a dozen roses!

Curtis Mayfield will make you feel happy if you weren't before. I love the weird tube tv graininess of this video. So low quality but Curtis's live performance is flawless.