I cannot wait to read 'Perfect From Now On: How Indie Rock Changed My Life.' Before the book even starts, on the inner flap where a plot description usually is has instead, the author, John Sellers' "top 5 musical things he hopes will happen now that the original lineups of the pixies and dinosaur jr. have reunited." I knew right away this is a guy I would enjoy ipod-ing with at a party. Heeeere it is:
- Ian Curtis is resurrected
- The Smiths reunite for a private party at my favorite bar
- There is a new My Bloody Valentine album
- A new Nirvana comes along to blow away all of these Duran Duran emulators
- Radiohead stops listening to Pink Floyd and starts listening to Black Sabbath
This reminds me of last weekend when I went to see Tokyo Police Club at this volleyball festival on the beach where the average event-goer was in a bikini with a full face of makeup or a "tanjuicedguido." When asked if I was there for the "vball" I proclaimed I hated volleyball and was there for Tokyo Police Club. "What's that?" "A band." "What genre are they?" "Well, I would describe them as indie rock I suppose." "What's indie rock?" and this conversation went on like this until I realized that I do know what indie rock is (in my heart), I just couldn't verbalize it. Maybe after I finish this book I'l be able to tell the world the exact definition of indie rock, we'll see. BTW here are some cute pictures of some indie rockers I've been into lately :)
[Deerhunter, The Spinanes, Nathan Williams/Wavves, Born Ruffians, Yuck, Jamie T.]