Last month I watched Prada's fall 2008 fashion show on If you haven't seen it, you should definitely check it out, but be prepared for something completely different than last season. The ruffled leather shoes, the black lace & the slicked back hair made the collection seem very somber & melancholy. A comment made about the ruffled shoes was that they were "eerie" which I agree with. Why? I think it's because since they're neutral colors, they look like ruffle-y skin or something.
Another comment made was that the Fall collection was better than the Spring collection which I strongly disagree with. First of all, they are both incredibly different from each other. Second, because spring Prada was just so free & creative. The patterns & colors (water color) were so pretty & the bags & shoes were to die for. I think that I liked the spring collection so much because it kind of reflected my style a bit. The set for the spring show was so fun, it was like the models were in a fantasy forest. Kind of like the computer animated promo for the collection, entitled "Trembled Blossoms". Even though I've been lusting over prada spring 2008 for a while, it was only recently I watched the clip. I think it's really cool, the way that the clothes in the video are just formed by nature for this "Eve" inspired girl. The music (Cocorosie) is soft & soothing & goes perfectly with the video.